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2024: Year In Review

Through all the chaos that we have been through in 2024, we look forward to the possibilities of 2025.

2024 brought with it many challenges for True North Tradecraft.  Challenges and triumphs.  We are humbled by all of it, and by your support, and are looking forward to some pretty great things on-tap for everyone.  

In review of the year past, lets take stock of what we managed to accomplish:

  • We released our third book – Gut Checks & Go Bags;
  • Launched audiobook versions of two of our books;
  • This past year, we ran several seminars.  We had a slew of people through, teaching Disaster Preparedness, Personal Safety & Security, along with Covert Entry.  
  • We had the privilege of teaching Covert Entry to the RCMP ‘H Division’ ERT.  
  • We were guests on CTV’s The Social, to discuss personal safety.
  • We were guests on several podcasts (incl. The Collective IG, The Secure Dad and The Distinguished Savage);
  • We exhibited at the National Women’s Show;
  • We were featured in an article in the Epoch Times, discussing preparedness;
  • We had a great trip through Europe and dropped several scavenger hunt NFC tags and shared safe travel tips along the way;
  • We did some cool collabs – more to come;
  • Launched our “SETEC ASTRONOMY” and “You Can’t Handcuff the Wind” stickers;
  • One of our articles were featured in Covert Entry Magazine Vol. 2.
  • …and so much more behind the scenes to deliver to everyone.

2025 will have some big things in store for everyone, including:

  • Training will be kicking up again, starting with two (2) seminars in February 2025 (see sign-up links in the Webstore);
  • A new book will be coming out in the New Year…we will be launching (sign up to the newsletter for early drop info);
  • We will be streamlining and cleaning up our website, webstore and inventory; and…
  • We will be moving.  Yes, we are removing in the Spring.  This will expand our ability to create content AND to host small-scale training in-house.  

Didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas?  Sign up for a class.  Buy a book (or all 3) and gear up.

As we end off the year, tie it off nicely by setting yourself up for success in 2025.  Join us for training, starting in February, and invest in yourself and the insurance that comes with building capability and cultivating resilience.   

  • Sign up for training HERE.
  • Get your books HERE or on AMAZON.
  • Kit yourself up with our gear HERE.

Be sure to sign up to the newsletter and follow us on Instagram for the latest.

Thank you all for an incredible 2024 and see you in 2025!

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A New Lens Through Which To View Preparedness

Nordic nations prepare their citizens for war.

There have always been events on the horizon which have caused people to be concerned with their future due to ongoing tensions or turning points. Fears of nuclear war (Cuban Missile Crisis, Cold War), economic collapse (various market crashes), Y2K (existential predictions), COVID/SARS/H1N1/Swine/Monkey-pox/Ebola and now the renewed real threat of war amongst Super-Powers and their proxies around the world.

As tensions continue to escalate on various fronts (Middle East, Ukraine, China, etc.) some nations are reaching back into their Cold War preparedness archives and resurrecting their approaches to very real threats and moving towards preparing their citizens for war. Countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Finland, which have historically been wary of Russian aggression, have begun to issue their citizens updated Preparedness and Civil Defence literature.

You can read articles about how this is being rolled out across these and other Nordic nations HERE (I’ve also linked several articles). The underlying goal of these pamphlets and their supporting information campaigns by the various governments is to begin to develop a preparedness mindset in their populace while shoring up essential supplies to ensure a level of resilience across their country to lessen the impact of a possible attack. If a country (such as Russia) were to attach, say, Finland, it would almost certainly involve the compromise of key infrastructure and supply, impacting electricity, communications, fuel, food supply and transportation, all in an effort to soften resistance against an invading force. Indeed, there are sections in the pamphlets speaking to how the citizenry must resist invading adversaries and support the defence of the nation – and doing so begins with their own preparedness and self-sufficiency as supplies may be in short supply. It is now their DUTY to be prepared and self-reliant so that they may form a more resilient front against the enemy. This is a significant step-up in direction towards civil defence than has been the norm in past years of wonton sabre-rattling.

The same applies to us here in North America. More and more, I am reading reports of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure by hostile actors. Thankfully, much of the impact of these attacks has been mitigated by the fact that the damage is localized and that many of the systems have not been inter-connected. It also helps that some of the protection and recovery measures have been effective. That said, knowing that these threats exist and what their potential impacts could be should be a call to action for people everywhere to take steps, however small, to increase their level of resilience to the unforeseen which may impact their daily lives.

Hence, why we preach and teach preparedness – not just as a “thing to do”, but rather as a way of being. Being prepared, coupled with a positive and proactive mindset, makes coping with adversity far more manageable. It is this which these Nordic nations are trying to instil across their social psyches in an effort to strengthen the resolve of their citizens in the face of potential threat.

You, too, can do this. Though if you’re not wanting to prepare for war, you can prepare for the impact a winter storm, or a power outage might have on you, and possibly your business. Taking pointed steps to build resilience is an investment in yourself and need not be a futile pursuit.

Oftentimes, people don’t know where to start. We suggest you join us for a class, read our books and take steps to implement the concepts discussed. I have linked the pamphlets below. You can also pick up copies of our books HERE and sign up for an upcoming class HERE. Whatever you do, learn, anticipate, execute. No one in a crisis ever regretted preparing for it.

Stay safe & #staycrafty

Politico.EU article:

In case of crisis or war<>

Preparing for incidents and crises –<>

Råd om egenberedskap<>

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National Women’s Show – Toronto

We are exhibiting at the National Women’s Show in Toronto Nov 8-9-10 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (South Building).

We will be at Booth # 907 (Approximately bottom-centre. See floor plan below).

We will be talking about personal safety & security, disaster preparedness and empowerment through resilience. There will be exclusive show specials, book signing, demos and releasing upcoming training opportunities.

Get your tickets HERE, stop by and say hello!

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Epoch Times Article

We were interviewed in a recent article about preparedness by The Epoch Times.

Though clearly not all of my discussions were included in the final article, I would add that the message I want to convey to everyone is one of cultivating resiliency – through building mindset, knowledge, skill, supplies and community.

Keep things reasonable, keep things focused and know that while you can’t be prepared for EVERYTHING, you CAN be largely prepared for ANYTHING. Being prepared is not some crazy thing (it’s not about preparing for a zombie apocalypse), but rather to build a level of self-reliance to weather tough times (such as bad weather or unforeseen circumstances) when regular resources are facing compromise or interruption.

Here is the link to the article directly: – You can also read it below.

Want to start your own preparations? Click HERE and check out or books.

Stay safe & #staycrafty!

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NEW – Sunday Safety & Security Skills Seminar Series (S6)

A new approach for 2024 to bring our skillsets to you in a more accessible format.

Starting in early-2024, We will begin offering 1-day Seminars, covering our legacy curriculum in a new format and making both the price point and time commitment more accessible to those with busy schedules. They will be on Sundays, during the day.

Of course, we will still plan to have our weekend-long immersive workshops, as well as Mixed-Skills classes with trusted partner instructors. We also continue to be available to be hosted to deliver these seminars to private groups.

***NOTE: We still offer RESTRICTED-LEVEL CLASSES in COVERT ENTRY and COUNTER-CUSTODY to LE/MIL/GOV organizations. Email us at [email protected] for details.***

In the meantime, we will be offering Seminars on the following topics:

  • Situational & Behavioural Awareness – S.A.F.E. (Situational Awareness For Everyone)
  • Introduction to Personal Safety & Security
  • Disaster, Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity
  • Lone-Worker Safety
  • Travel Security (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)
  • Women’s Safety (Women-Only) (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)
  • Introduction to Counter-Custody, Self-Rescue & Restraint Escape – (Part 1 of 2)
  • Counter-Custody, Self-Rescue & Restraint Escape – (Part 2 of 2)
  • Introduction to Lock Picking (Pt 1 of 2)
  • Physical Security and Non-Destructive Entry Methods (Pt 2 of 2)
  • The Back-Up-Bag Protocol
  • ***Stop The Bleed first aid classes (to be added to the above)***
  • And more to come!

These Seminars can be taken individually as a stand-alone or together in series towards building a wide-spectrum of skill sets. Depending on the subject matter, there will be differing ratios of theory and practical learning.

Soon, we will be listing the classes individually on our web store, with dates and seminar outlines, to sign up to.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


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Mission Darkness Faraday Gear

Use Promo code TNTRADECRAFT to save on your purchase.

Mission Darkness (MOS EQUIPMENT) provides faraday electronic emissions shielding gear to protect your electronics from damage and compromise.

Their proprietary shielding fabric blocks all signals, in and out, from cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and RFID, protection.

This technology aids in passport/ID protection, wireless testing, travel data privacy, corporate information integrity, personal security, digital forensics and evidence protection. Protect your data from compromise and destruction with hard-wearing, waterproof, weatherproof and signal-proof.

It can also protect equipment from electro-magnetic pulses (EMPs) prior to, and during, disaster scenarios.

Cellphone, tablets, computers, even your car key fobs can be protected from compromise via intrusion, emmination or remote access.

Be sure to invest wisely in your Electronics security with quality products from Mission Darkness and don’t forget to use promo code TNTRADECRAFT to save on your purchase.

Use Mission Darkness gear to protect your electronics.

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Simple Home Security Camera Set-up

Oftentimes, having a security camera system at your residence (whether you are an owner, renter, or traveller) can be beneficial in supporting your security posture as well as your general situational awareness.

Check out this video on our YouTube channel where I talk about how to set-up a quick, simple, inexpensive and effective security camera system.

When you add some solar-powered motion-activated lights, proper placement and some thought and effort, you can really leverage a few dollars and have something which will get the job done.

Stay Safe and #staycrafty.

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The Ready Pack Plus by Contingency Medical.

Get your kit HERE

I recently discovered Contingency Medical while exploring options for back-up medical supply options during travel scenarios, disasters or emergencies. The difficulty I discovered was that most of the medications one would need during a disaster would require a prescription or worse, not be available due to the local or regional public health systems being overwhelmed. The solution, simply, is to secure a supply of quality, effective and affordable to pre-position in case of emergency. During emergencies and disasters, community is important. So thinking not only of your own welfare, but your ability to be useful and helpful to others as well.

In addition to first aid knowledge and training, having the means to deliver care when medical care is not reliable or available should be a key component of your preparedness plan.

The process to get your pack starts off with a purchase (using promo code tntc10 ) which then initiates forms to be filled out by you for one of the Contingency Medical physicians to review. Upon review and clearance, you get access to follow-up services and support and your order is shipped to you. Part of the deal is that if you have questions or concerns, Contingency Medical provides you with a dedicated line to communicate with their physicians anytime. Their website has several articles and a fulsome FAQ section to address your questions and inquiries.

Your Ready Pack medications come in this handy carry case.

From the Contingency Medical website: “Designed to provide peace of mind on the home front.  This physician curated pack was built to help you prepare for emergencies such as pandemics, natural disasters, and other types of lockdown. It’s meant for at-home use where symptoms are more easily managed.  Each pack comes with health screening and follow up access to a board certified physician for a year after your purchase! Ready Pack Plus includes add-on medicines to help battle symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.  It has all the protection of the Ready Pack, with the additional medicines to keep you comfortable while you explore or recover.”

The Ready Pack Plus opened up with it's contents.
The Ready Pack Plus opened up with it’s contents, and includes a guide to each of the included medications, speaking to how and under what circumstances to use what medication, along with possible conflicts and dosages.

Get your kit HERE

Contingency Medical was formed by a passionate group of doctors, outdoor enthusiasts, preppers, road warriors, and international travelers who recognized a need for improved access to healthcare in emergency situations. 

About Contingency Medical from their website:

The Contingency Medical Packs are our solution. The idea stemmed from one of the company’s founding members, an emergency physician and graduate of Stanford Medicine with decades of experience in the field. He has intimate familiarity with the most common ailments faced and has recommended a great blend of antibiotics best to treat those ailments. His knowledge formed the foundation for our packs. 

The packs were designed to address the question – “What would an emergency physician keep on hand at all times – both for longer term emergencies and for emergencies on-the-go?” Based on this question, the Ready Pack, Go Pack and Ready Pack+ were born.

Get your kit HERE and be sure to use promo code TNTC10 to save on your first kit! Make sure you’re prepared with physician-curated medicines for travel, preparedness and emergencies.

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The Importance of Foot Care in Disasters and a Tour of JB Fields’ Sock Factory in Toronto.

A common question asked of me when discussing preparedness as a topic, is “what are important things to carry” or “what stuff should I prepare for a disaster”?

As an addition to my previous posts on Preparedness (see HERE) one often-overlooked or not thought-about part is how important one’s feet are in the overall picture of being prepared for a disaster.

One of the most important aspects of preparedness is mobility. Oftentimes, the best way to avoid a bad situation (especially if you have advance warning of it) is to not be there. However, there will be times when there is little or no warning and staying put then changes to moving out. Relying on a vehicle to get you where you need to go is convenient, but may not always get you all the way there. Vehicle breakdowns, blocked roads, extreme weather – all can contribute to the need to transition to a moving on foot. At that point, you are ultimately going to have to rely on your own feet and their ability to get you through.

Be sure to include at least one spare pair of quality socks into every kit and bag you have. If you have a family of four you need to plan for, the same applies. Buy a good pair of hiking socks which will provide cushion, wick moisture away, insulate, breathe and wash/dry easily for all members of your group. If you need to transition from mounted (in a vehicle) to dismounted (on-foot) to cover distance and terrain to your destination, being able to change your cocksure both supportive of foot care and help boost morale. There is a wonderful feeling one has when you are cold, wet, sore and exhausted but you change your socks for a dry, clean pair. OH! It makes a world of difference. Just ask anyone who’s done a lot of hiking or been in the military. Dry, clean socks are game-changers.

In addition to the above, invest in the best footwear you can – solidly built, broken-in and in good repair. Depending on the profile and expected terrain you may be traversing, you may be looking for something more suited to the wet and cold of the outdoors or the roughness of the urban environment. Either way, research what works for you and get something you can rely on. You should also consider packing some Advil, Moleskin and duct tape. And an extra pair of laces (made from 550 paracord wouldn’t hurt you either).

I recently had the opportunity to have a behind-the-scenes look at the making of some of my favourite socks, right here in Toronto! J.B. Fields makes an array of high-quality socks from premium materials. Living in a colder region, I have been partial to their Icelandic wool socks and hikers for their incredible warmth and versatility for some years now.

Full disclosure: I am NOT being paid for this endorsement nor have I been furnished with any consideration, I just really like their socks AND I like that they are an old, Canadian-based company making a quality product at an affordable price.

I reached out to JB Fields and connected with Sid, one of their employees, and set up a meet to go in and pick up some end-of-season deals at their factory store. Sid graciously offered to show me their factory and how the socks are made, along with the features that make them the quality they are. (SEE PHOTOS AT END OF POST)

There are three styles which I really love:

  1. the Merino Wool Weekender: 96% Merino wool. VERY comfortable but not very resilient, so don’t get them for hiking of boot socks. But casual wear for comfort, yes!
  2. The Medium Hiker: 74% merino and both tough and comfortable.
  3. Icelandic Wool Sock: for warmth when you really want it.

Regardless if you go with JB Fields or other great sock manufacturers (such as Darn Tough or Smart Wool are both VERY good choices), just be sure to invest in a quality sock for supporting your mobility in an emergency for your preparations.

Having appropriate footwear (boots, or shoes), keeping your feet in good health (clean, dry, free of infection/fungus, nails trimmed, space to breathe in shoes, etc) and investing in quality socks will be a key foundational piece to build upon. Getting blisters, frostbite or other foot injuries can be crippling very quickly and ground you, thereby taking away your potion to move from a bad situation. Movement and mobility are life-giving and without hem, you are at the mercy of circumstance and other parties. Stay capable, maintain the capacity for mobility and invest in preparations BEFORE you need them.

Till next time, stay safe and #staycrafty!

Front doors to the factory and shop.
A few facts about this old, Canadian company and their socks.
A selection of their fine Icelandic wool socks. So warm!
Unfinished socks prior to washing and finishing.
Sock-weaving machines and spools of thread ready to go.
These machines require constant attention to maintain up-time.
More spinning machines pumping out socks.
This thing makes a tube of a sock using various types of yarns and colours. Very cool.
Shapeless tube socks being formed into foot-shapes.
Finished product – a very well-made and reliable sock to protect your feet.
I keep a pair in my go-bag at all times. You should too!
Be Prepared. Get your copy today!
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The Last Page: Recoil OFFGRID Issue 46

I am very humbled to share that Recoil OFFGRID has allowed me to contribute to their magazine again – this time it was The Last Page: a book review.

The editors suggested that I review the infamous ANARCHIST COOKBOOK, and to furnish my thoughts about it to their readers.

The infamous Anarchist Cookbook

So, if you go to HERE , you can read the entire review.



For those of you who have never heard of it, or ever read it, do give the review a read.

Till next time, stay safe and #staycrafty.