I have often been asked why do I study physical security, locks, lock picking, etc? It’s usually followed by accusations of either teaching others to be criminals or being a criminal myself. The only thing criminal about me is the wage I get paid by my employer for the crap I have to deal with. Aside from that, I find it fun, fascinating and I happen to be pretty decent at it.
Several of the negative interactions have, sadly, been with police officers who mention the points above and question the legalities of tool ownership. When I offer to them how it would save time, money and headache if they could do a welfare check without destroying a window or door, they suddenly have a different perspective. It’s a useful skill. Period. And if it is used within the proper LEGAL parameters, a very useful one too. It can even be fun, as there are hobbyist groups – such as The Open Organization Of Lockpickers aka TOOOL (https://toool.us ) – who look at all aspects of locks and even hold international competitions. On an extreme scale in a time of crisis, what you may need to save a life, either your own or someone else, may be on the other side of a lock. In such extreme circumstances I’d sooner have the option to access said item than not.

I have used my skills in a variety of situations (all legally, of course) to help people into their locked cars (while running with keys inside), being locked out of their houses, freeing their bikes, opening various padlocks and even rescuing stuff from desks, safes, etc. Those looking to go into law enforcement, security, military, intelligence, investigations (public or private), architecture, locksmithing, transportation or even property management can all gain from learning more about their physical security. Even to better secure your home or business from potential break-ins.
Like so many other skill sets and abilities, it is the user who wields that knowledge for good or evil. Knowledge of martial sciences can be applied to harm or defend from harm. Medical knowledge can be used to again, harm or heal. Criminals don’t care for the integrity of your front door lock or back window if they are going to rob you. Locksmiths, law enforcement, security testers and even hobbyists do. For various reasons, non-destructive bypass of security is a useful tool for even the average home or business owner so that they can make sound decisions for their own safety and to identify the gaps in their security picture.

Through my years of Government and Security work, the more I learn about the weaknesses in security and physical security specifically, the more effective I have grown to become at evaluating my own personal security picture and that of those who have engaged my services for the same.
If your home or business is protected by bottom-budget hardware and little-to-no planning, you might want to think about taking the step to invest in some education and training and up your security game.
If you’re in the Toronto area in May and wish to take a full-spectrum learning opportunity, come join us for Covert Entry Concepts and even add-on the Safe Dial Mechanics. It’ll open your eyes to the world around you.
Remember, locks only keep honest people honest.
Till next time, stay safe and stay crafty.