Very excited to have my work featured in Tactical Solutions Magazine, the official publication of the International Tactical Training Association (ITTA) based in Chicago, IL.
From the ITTA website:
The International Tactical Training Association (ITTA) is always on Mission to provide members with advanced tactical and technical programs of instruction formulated and directed by a core council who possess extensive Law Enforcement and Military experience. We seek to transform, keep you ahead of the curve, and one step ahead. Semper in Via ITTA retains a broad spectrum of instructors with Special Operations backgrounds and current post 9-11 operational and instructional experience. We are here to transform, keep you inside the loop and one step ahead with best practices, hard learned lessons, and disruptive technologies.
You can go directly to the issue and article here. Be sure to check out their entire website and read their other publications for fantastic content.
Enjoy and stay crafty!