Through all the chaos that we have been through in 2024, we look forward to the possibilities of 2025.
2024 brought with it many challenges for True North Tradecraft. Challenges and triumphs. We are humbled by all of it, and by your support, and are looking forward to some pretty great things on-tap for everyone.
In review of the year past, lets take stock of what we managed to accomplish:
We released our third book – Gut Checks & Go Bags;
Launched audiobook versions of two of our books;
This past year, we ran several seminars. We had a slew of people through, teaching Disaster Preparedness, Personal Safety & Security, along with Covert Entry.
We had the privilege of teaching Covert Entry to the RCMP ‘H Division’ ERT.
We were guests on CTV’s The Social, to discuss personal safety.
We were guests on several podcasts (incl. The Collective IG, The Secure Dad and The Distinguished Savage);
We exhibited at the National Women’s Show;
We were featured in an article in the Epoch Times, discussing preparedness;
We had a great trip through Europe and dropped several scavenger hunt NFC tags and shared safe travel tips along the way;
We did some cool collabs – more to come;
Launched our “SETEC ASTRONOMY” and “You Can’t Handcuff the Wind” stickers;
One of our articles were featured in Covert Entry Magazine Vol. 2.
…and so much more behind the scenes to deliver to everyone.
2025 will have some big things in store for everyone, including:
Training will be kicking up again, starting with two (2) seminars in February 2025 (see sign-up links in the Webstore);
A new book will be coming out in the New Year…we will be launching (sign up to the newsletter for early drop info);
We will be streamlining and cleaning up our website, webstore and inventory; and…
We will be moving. Yes, we are removing in the Spring. This will expand our ability to create content AND to host small-scale training in-house.
Didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas? Sign up for a class. Buy a book (or all 3) and gear up.
As we end off the year, tie it off nicely by setting yourself up for success in 2025. Join us for training, starting in February, and invest in yourself and the insurance that comes with building capability and cultivating resilience.
There have always been events on the horizon which have caused people to be concerned with their future due to ongoing tensions or turning points. Fears of nuclear war (Cuban Missile Crisis, Cold War), economic collapse (various market crashes), Y2K (existential predictions), COVID/SARS/H1N1/Swine/Monkey-pox/Ebola and now the renewed real threat of war amongst Super-Powers and their proxies around the world.
As tensions continue to escalate on various fronts (Middle East, Ukraine, China, etc.) some nations are reaching back into their Cold War preparedness archives and resurrecting their approaches to very real threats and moving towards preparing their citizens for war. Countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Finland, which have historically been wary of Russian aggression, have begun to issue their citizens updated Preparedness and Civil Defence literature.
You can read articles about how this is being rolled out across these and other Nordic nations HERE (I’ve also linked several articles). The underlying goal of these pamphlets and their supporting information campaigns by the various governments is to begin to develop a preparedness mindset in their populace while shoring up essential supplies to ensure a level of resilience across their country to lessen the impact of a possible attack. If a country (such as Russia) were to attach, say, Finland, it would almost certainly involve the compromise of key infrastructure and supply, impacting electricity, communications, fuel, food supply and transportation, all in an effort to soften resistance against an invading force. Indeed, there are sections in the pamphlets speaking to how the citizenry must resist invading adversaries and support the defence of the nation – and doing so begins with their own preparedness and self-sufficiency as supplies may be in short supply. It is now their DUTY to be prepared and self-reliant so that they may form a more resilient front against the enemy. This is a significant step-up in direction towards civil defence than has been the norm in past years of wonton sabre-rattling.
The same applies to us here in North America. More and more, I am reading reports of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure by hostile actors. Thankfully, much of the impact of these attacks has been mitigated by the fact that the damage is localized and that many of the systems have not been inter-connected. It also helps that some of the protection and recovery measures have been effective. That said, knowing that these threats exist and what their potential impacts could be should be a call to action for people everywhere to take steps, however small, to increase their level of resilience to the unforeseen which may impact their daily lives.
Hence, why we preach and teach preparedness – not just as a “thing to do”, but rather as a way of being. Being prepared, coupled with a positive and proactive mindset, makes coping with adversity far more manageable. It is this which these Nordic nations are trying to instil across their social psyches in an effort to strengthen the resolve of their citizens in the face of potential threat.
You, too, can do this. Though if you’re not wanting to prepare for war, you can prepare for the impact a winter storm, or a power outage might have on you, and possibly your business. Taking pointed steps to build resilience is an investment in yourself and need not be a futile pursuit.
Oftentimes, people don’t know where to start. We suggest you join us for a class, read our books and take steps to implement the concepts discussed. I have linked the pamphlets below. You can also pick up copies of our books HERE and sign up for an upcoming class HERE. Whatever you do, learn, anticipate, execute. No one in a crisis ever regretted preparing for it.
We will be atBooth # 907 (Approximately bottom-centre. See floor plan below).
We will be talking about personal safety & security, disaster preparedness and empowerment through resilience. There will be exclusive show specials, book signing, demos and releasing upcoming training opportunities.
It is with great pride and excitement that we announce the release of the Second Edition, newly revised, expanded and updated with more information, more lists, photos and resources to prepare yourself for when disaster strikes.
I have strong feelings about this topic. Too often do I see people do careless and dangerous things simply because they weren’t paying attention. Many accidents and attacks on people are largely avoidable through attuned situational awareness.
So what is it? Situational Awareness (SA), is described in Wikipedia thusly:
“…the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event. It is also…concerned with understanding of the environment critical to decision-makers in complex, dynamic areas from aviation, air traffic control, ship navigation, power plant operations, military command and control, and emergency services such as firefighting and policing; to more ordinary but nevertheless complex tasks such as driving an automobile or riding a bicycle. Situation awareness involves being aware of what is happening in the vicinity to understand how information, events, and one’s own actions will impact goals and objectives, both immediately and in the near future. One with an adept sense of situation awareness generally has a high degree of knowledge with respect to inputs and outputs of a system, an innate “feel” for situations, people, and events that play out because of variables the subject can control. Lacking or inadequate situation awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error.[1] Thus, situational awareness is especially important in work domains where the information flow can be quite high and poor decisions may lead to serious consequences (such as piloting an airplane, functioning as a soldier, or treating critically ill or injured patients).”
The above describes the what of SA well however, only a small percentage of the population actively uses SA in their day-to-day lives. How often do you see this:
…or this?
These people are completely oblivious to their surroundings, the prevailing environment they are in and cannot identify or comprehend threats or hazards which they may be stepping into. No decisions can be made because no information is being collected by their senses beyond that of the screen in front of them. They are unaware of their environment and clueless about any hazards that may threaten them. This is not where you want to be.
Situational awareness is a key component to successful preparation and survival. In whatever environment you may find yourself, be it the wilds of the world or any concrete jungle, being aware of what is going on around you is important. For instance, if you are on a hiking trip, paying attention to weather patterns can determine if you set up camp prior to a weather front coming in, or being caught in a deluge. Alternately, by being unaware of danger signals on the streets of a city, you may find yourself in a position to be attacked whereas if you had picked-up on the subtle signs around you, you stand a better chance of taking steps to avoid a dangerous situation.
The environment around you produces a vast amount of stimuli which most people ignore as “background noise”. Sounds, weather, social interactions, architecture, temperature, motion, colour, patterns – all produce data for us to interpret. A great deal of this is ignored as our brains rarely fixate on things that are “routine”, until they are not.
Survival strategies are transferrable across environments. Urban or rural. Around your home or overseas. Taking a vigilant and keen interest in the goings-on around you will give you an edge in dangerous situation by providing you with valuable information with which to make choices for action (or inaction) which will hopefully keep you alive or unharmed.
Situational awareness is a way of being. When driving, you should constantly be checking your side and rear-view mirrors to be aware of the vehicles around you, plan lane changes due to signs, adjusting your driving appropriately for the road conditions, and anticipating other driver’s actions to ensure you avoid collisions. Most of the time, this is done on a semi-sub-conscious level. If you have been driving a while, you won’t be talking to yourself about looking at your mirrors, much like a brand-new driver who is still nervous and tense about the whole thing.
The same applies when you leave your home, be it in the city or in the outdoors. In the outdoors, do you catch the silence on the path? Why did the birds stop chirping? Are there branches snapping off the trail? What’s that smell? Am I looking at the path for potential hazards or obstacles as well at the trail ahead? In the city the same thought process should run in the background. This is a dark part of the street…is there anyone in that dark doorway? I’ve seen that car a few times today…coincidence? That guy has been behind me for a while now…is he following me? (In a parking lot alone at night…) Are those guys really fixing a flat tire?
I’m not trying to spread paranoia as most of the time those questions will only highlight innocuous situations. BUT, for the small percentage of the time where real danger may be involved, having foreknowledge of that danger can give you the opportunity to act.
The best way to win a fight is to not get into one in the first place. That’s what one of my old martial arts instructors used to tell me. It’s good common sense when you’re not looking for trouble.
At the end of the day, being aware of your surroundings and environment is a critical piece of the survival toolkit. If you practice it often and across all situations in which you find yourself you will get much better at it until it becomes a reflex which goes on in the background.
Please be advised that we are MOVING! ***All orders placed from 08-Feb-2025 to 18-Feb-2025 will be processed upon restoration of our shop. Thank you for your support and understanding. #staycrafty
-True North Tradecraft Dismiss