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The Importance of Building Skills Over Relying on Gear

Knowing the principles allows you to improvise.

When it comes to new gear, we all feel the burn in our wallets to get our hands on the latest and greatest.  And of course, if it’s improved over the previous version, it must be better, right?

So tacticool, and new. It MUST be better. With all this stuff, I’ll be unstoppable.

Not always.

Though a newer version of something may come out, it’s not so much the gear itself that makes you better, it’s the skill you have using it that makes all the difference.  If you have a strong grasp of the fundamentals, practice regularly and have reliable equipment, then you’ll be good in spite of the quality of gear.  If, however, you have no training and rely exclusively on your equipment to get you through, you’ll be in a world of hurt as soon as something doesn’t go perfectly.

Kevin Reeve from On Point Tactical.

This is why Training Trumps Gear!  When I attended the Urban Escape & Evasion course with Kevin Reeve from OnPoint Tactical, he hammered that saying into our heads several times an hour ad nauseum.  But he had a point.  If your marksmanship principles are weak, the shiniest new gun isn’t going to make you a better shot.  If you don’t understand the principles of lock picking, you won’t be able to improvise a rake from a paperclip when your fancy one breaks.

For the record, if you were to attend our offering of Covert Entry Concepts, you would learn the principles and improvisation.

The same applies to a survival situation in both urban and wilderness environments.  Also in martial arts.  Body mechanics and physics don’t change.  The principles remain constant, only the application of those principles change to address the situation.  Knowing the principles of a wrist lock is key as it can be adapted to countless applications, rather than a particular technique.

Wrist locks, for example, are all a variation on a theme. If you know the basic principle, you can apply it in so many ways.

Though if you’re investing in gear, it’s always a wise investment to buy the highest quality that you can afford.  It’s an investment in reliability.  But all things being equal, invest in solid training.  The more you know, the less you carry.  And that’s because Training Trumps Gear!  In almost every episode of MacGyver, Burn Notice or The A Team, the protagonists get through the tough times because they’re well trained and can improvise and adapt to changing conditions.  Yes, I know they’re TV and not real, but they illustrate the point well.

MacGyver, the ultimate fictitious improviser.

Well-trained individuals are more “literate” in the field, able to draw on various experiences and tricks, if you will, and be more “conversant” in a difficult situation.  Just as if you are in an unknown social situation, being better read or travelled gives you a wider spectrum of social currency than only knowing about one thing.

Understanding the principles and basics is the foundation of excellence in more advanced skills.

To that point, being trainable, humble, curious and committed to lifelong and learning are important predispositions to embrace towards building skills and knowledge that will enable you to not only use gear to it’s maximum potential, but also to improvise in adverse times because you’re fluent in the basic principles.

Know a little about a lot.

Invest in quality training, keep an open mind and always keep learning.  If there is something you want to get better at or learn to do, invest in learning it.  Anyone can buy the next newest shiny toy that promises to solve all your problems, but you can develop skills that will make your mind the equipment and the “tool” just that – an extension of you.

Stay focused, stay motivated and don’t give up.  You can do it.

Stay Crafty,


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The Importance of Fitness in Personal Resilience

Get out there and get moving.

A topic I tend not to hear or read about very much is the fitness in every-day preparedness.  Sure, there are plenty of opinions on gear to carry, the kinds of shoes you should wear, the emergency kit in your car, etc…, but how often if physical fitness mentioned as a component of your preparedness?  Not much, sadly.

As we go through our daily lives, 99% of it isn’t a high-stress, threatening situation.  Maybe we work out or go to the gym, but we’re not threatened.

These people are not threatened…except from lack of Situational Awareness.

If we find ourselves in a survival situation, be it a physical attack, a disaster requiring us to get out of an area, a broken-down car or anything similar, your chances of successfully negotiating that event are raised directly in proportion with your level of fitness.  The right gear and training are also factors, of course, but if your body is conditioned you stand a better chance.  Here’s why:

  1. A survival event demands extreme resources from your body.  You may be required to fight off an attacker, or run/climb/drag someone/thing intensely for a period of time.  How long you’re able to last in that, or how much you can lift may directly impact who you save.  Including yourself or a loved one.  If you can’t do a pull-up, you may not be able to pull yourself out of a window in a burning building.

    Are you fit to fight?
  2. A fit body equals a fit mind.  Psychologically, if your body is in-shape, your mind will be better able to focus and adapt during a high-stress event.
  3. Staying power.  As you call your muscles into action to “fight or flight”, you will have a flush of adrenaline and lactic acid in your muscles.  It will also metabolize and work off adrenaline and lactic acid buildup created in that process.  If you’ve ever gone 100% in a fight or even on a punching bag, you’d know that that level of exertion is brutal even for one minute.  If you’re not sucking wind after 1 minute, you’re doing it wrong.  But if you build up your muscular and cardiovascular endurance through regular training, you’ll be better able to recover more quickly.
  4. You can do more.  Being fit allows you the capability to do more.  Sure, you may have all manner of skills in fighting, but someone with an equal level of skill but higher level of fitness will likely defeat you.  Strength, as well as skill, combine to the application of technique against an opponent.  If you’re weak, or overweight, you likely won’t be as agile to get out of a bad situation.  Your EDC (Every-Day Carry) equipment won’t lift you over a fence when thugs are chasing you.

    Karate Kyle says it all.
  5. Ask yourself this:  if you had to, can you pick up your 70lb child and run away from a riot or terrorist attack, or would you have a heart attack in the attempt?  I look at worst-case scenarios and work towards being able to address them.  I am by no means a Special Forces Operator, nor do I pretend to be, but I do exercise regularly and aim to be prepared for things going south.  What is the likelihood of something happening:  very low.  Impact if it does and I’m unable to do anything about it:  very high.
Kids can’t run like you can. Pick them up and carry them. But can you?

So how does one develop their physical fitness?  Here are some ideas:

  • Start small & simple.  Start walking, or jogging.  Biking, swimming.  Whatever.  Push-ups, squats, sit-ups, chin-ups.  Get out there and start.  Movement is life.  If you find yourself in an Active Shooter situation and you just stand there, you are an easy target.
Keep it simple. Keep motivated.
  • Look into joining a class or a gym.  If you’re short on cash, look up body-weight and yoga videos online for free and do them in your home.  It only costs you time and effort.
  • Change your eating habits if they need it.  High levels of processed sugars and foods aren’t helping you.  Change it up and and just your diet to something better.  Small adjustments can yield large improvements.
  • Get motivated.  Set small goals and accomplish them.  Work towards each one until you achieve it and then set the next one.  We are all motivated by different things, so find what works and “git ‘er done”.
  • Ask for help.  If you’re completely lost and don’t know where to turn, ask for advice.  I have found that the vast majority of people who are fitness enthusiasts didn’t start out as athletic.  Many worked hard to get there and are happy to offer help or advice and cheer you on.
  • You can do it.  I have seen wounded Veterans without legs, without arms and sometimes both, continue to push themselves and achieve.  If they can, then holy shit, so can the rest of us.  Stay positive.  Stay focused.

***Naturally if you’re not fit the only way to increase fitness is to begin exercising…but always consult a doctor or health professional prior to starting, especially if you have any health concerns.***

We all have our various levels and goals, and no two people are the same.  The crux of the argument here is that you are constantly trying to improve.  Various body types, health issues, etc, sometimes restrict what can be done, but with a positive attitude, setting of goals and the effort to improve, gains can be made in leaps and bounds.  Don’t be afraid to try and fail, keep trying.  Ask for help.  Its about self-improvement as much as it is personal survival. You don’t have to be a fitness model, or even look like one, but building in a level of fitness training into your preparedness mindset and arsenal will greatly increase your confidence and capability when dealing with a hostile event.

Something as simple as a lunchtime walk can contribute to your overall level of fitness.

The side benefits also include better sleep, lower levels of stress, less pain, more flexibility and agility.  Higher levels of endurance and a heightened level of calm and confidence.  You’ll also be able to enjoy more adventurous experiences.  Just, saying.

Fitness allows you to do more.


Remember that a good level of physical fitness will never be a negative or work against you, it will only ever be a positive.

Till next time,

-Stay Crafty


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Training Opportunity – Covert Entry Concepts – Toronto, July 2017

For the FIRST time in Canada….

The CORE Group

Covert Entry Concepts – 1st Canadian Offering
This course will teach Law Enforcement Personnel, Special Operations Forces, and Government employees and security professionals the principles of lock bypassing and making covert entries into buildings or properties.

This class is entirely hands on. From the moment you enter the course you will have tools in your hand and are working to exploit various locking mechanisms. Students will learn to recognize the vulnerabilities in existing hardware, how they are attacked, or sometimes even bypassed entirely. You’ll walk away with the skills needed to compromise most of the locks used in North America today. Students will be much better positioned to provide service in a variety of tactical areas: check welfare calls, search and arrest warrant service, establishing sniper positions, sneak and peak operations, surveillance operations, fire safe opening, and breaking and entering investigations.

Since the techniques taught in this class are largely nondestructive, agencies will also benefit by having a decrease in civil actions due to property damage.

The cost of the course is $675 USD or $895 CAD with a $200 deposit required to hold your place.

E-mail us at:

[email protected]

for more information and payment instructions.

(***See link to flyer at bottom***)


Schedule is:

Fri July 28: 1800hrs – late

Sat July 29: 0800hrs -1700hrs

Sun July 30: 0800hrs – 1700hrs

Included Equipment:

Included in the cost of the course is a comprehensive set of high quality tools that you can use on the job or practice at home to maintain the skills you’ll build in class.
• High Quality 12 Piece Pick Set
• Set of covert jigglers
• Set of warded picks
• Bump Hammer
• Bump keys
• An ez decoder
• Underdoor tool

***Friday dinner, Sat & Sun breakfasts, coffee and snacks included. Team dinner scheduled for Saturday night.

This course is being offered by The CORE Group      ( , supported and sponsored by True North Tradecraft ( and Tactical Beaver Ltd.( ) .

“TB Classic” Logo Design

Tactical Beaver will have a selection of its Premier Apparel line available for sale during the duration of the course at a discount for attendees.



DISCLAIMER:  *Nothing in the course offering is intended to be used for unlawful purposes.  Consult with your local laws prior to employing these techniques in the field.  This is intended for lawful use ONLY.  True North Tradecraft and its partners do not condone or advocate illegal activities.*

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Training Review – Covert Entry Concepts by The CORE Group

How often have you thought “hey, I wish I could learn that…but the training is only available in the US.  So much for that.”?  I have.  Many times.  So, in my quest to build my own skills, I saved up some money and travelled to the United States to attend training I had my eye for months.

In November 2016, I had the privilege of attending the Covert Entry Concepts (CEC) training course in Maryland.  It was put on by The CORE Group in their Maryland facilities and wow, what a good time it was.

The CORE Group

(*I lucked-out by taking two courses back-to-back at The CORE Groups’ Maryland facilities, the Covert Entry Concepts and Physical Security Analyst.  This is a review for Covert Entry Concepts.  I will post a review of the Physical Security Analyst soon.)

The purpose of the course, in broad strokes, is to be given an education in physical security, how to identify and exploit any weaknesses with the ultimate goal to test those weaknesses and close any found loopholes for a client to protect them from attack.  As a security professional myself, I feel that expanding my skill sets is a responsibility to make me more effective in my job.

About The CORE Group (from their website):

The CORE Group was initially formed by a trio of security auditors and researchers who had collaborated on numerous projects and conference events over the years. At present, their combined experience in the physical security sector represents decades of hard knowledge and applied work.  The CORE Group finds innovative ways to augment typical security auditing and assessment. Most companies incorporate digital penetration testing and web application testing into their standard procedure of self-assessment. The CORE Group offers a variety of packages that can greatly assist in a company’s understanding of their security posture at a fraction of the cost of larger, more “conventional” testing.

The CORE Group conducts training all over, training Law Enforcement & Military, Government Agencies, Physical Security specialists, Red Team and PenTesters, IT Security and Locksport enthusiasts.  They attend many of the “cons” (such as Black Hat, DEF CON, SANS, etc.) throughout the US, many times running the “Lockpick Village”  and providing intensive training to professionals all over.

The course was a 2-day, Monday/Tuesday set-up.  A mixed bag of Law Enforcement, Military, physical security professionals and “other, government” types.  A good group of people to get to know and learn with.  Our Instructor, Rob, Chief of the Law Enforcement training division of The CORE Group, was welcoming and professional from the word “go”.  After some quick ice-breakers, we moved right into an introduction to lockpicking.

Learning lock picking concepts.

Discussions, anecdotes, slides and practical demonstrations were all used to great effect in training to underline the principles and applications for what were were learning about in that moment.  Everything was helped by Rob’s sense of humour, positive attitude, patience and obvious expertise in the subject matter.  We worked on a vast array of topics.  Lock-picking; bumping; bypasses; construction; safes; tamper-evident seals; elevators; impressioning; the Mace Face Challenge; casting keys; attack vectors; padlocks; restraint escapes and so much more.  So much information was covered that, even weeks later, I found myself re-reading the detailed notes I had made in an effort to absorb it all.  Not only was it an incredible amount of practical and useful information, but much of it was eye-opening and fascinating as well.  Not all aspects are covered in every session that Rob delivers due to geography or other issues, but my experience was just great.

Here is a look at some of the stuff we got to play with:

Learning to cut keys.
Classroom all set-up.
The challenges ahead…
The tools.  The cookie is of the utmost importance.
Practicing skills.

After enjoying amazing chicken, fantastic bbq, getting to know the other participants and doing an awesome escape exercise preceded by burpees (I hate burpees) it ended up being a really great time.

I felt as if it was a skill-building game-changer.  The depth and breadth of knowledge shared and learned was exceptional.  Though these are all perishable skills requiring regular practice, the base is unmistakably solid.  It certainly opened the door to a world of opportunities.  The people I met and the confidence in my abilities were well worth the cost and effort to travel south of the border.  I highly recommend taking this training if you have the means and opportunity.  It’s a staple of tradecraft and is useful in a myriad of situations (all ethically bounded, of course).  Use your powers for good.  And if you work hard, you can earn one of these…

The prize.  Earned.  BOOM.



If you’re interested in taking this course IN CANADA, True North Tradecraft, in partnership with Tactical Beaver, will be sponsoring a unique run of this course in downtown Toronto on the weekend of July 28-29-30, 2017, to be taught by Rob of The CORE Group.  This training is not available anywhere else in Canada (to my knowledge – and I’ve searched) and is well worth it’s weight in gold.  It will include top-tier instruction, a kit of equipment for you to practice on and keep when you’re done and breakfast daily with dinner on the Friday night.  For more detailed information, e-mail us at [email protected] .  Spaces are limited and booking up already.  Tactical Beaver will also have a table with great apparel available to purchase at a discount.

Check it out.  It’s a really great opportunity to learn from an expert in the field and do so IN CANADA!

See you at CEC – Toronto!

-Stay Crafty