A while back I came across a Kickstarter campaign for the BAT (Bring Anywhere Tool) Coin from Covert Products Group. https://www.covertproductsgroup.com They were just starting off about a year about and when I read through the campaign details, I was intrigued. They had designed a “10-in-1” tool that was small, lightweight, inexpensive, useful and capable of carriage through airports and other non-permissive environments. So I supported the campaign, if for no other reason to see if what they had designed was worth having.
Having recently received my lot of coins, I began to carry and test them. I am pretty impressed with this little guy. BATs go for about $25 USD each on the CPG website and I also received a sticker and morale patch along with it. Fast shipping. Nothing to complain about.

From their website, here are the BAT Coin features:
- 1) Modified Phillips head screwdriver with three prongs so the BAT lays flat in your pocket
- 2) Safe, semi-sharp captured edge for opening boxes
- 3) Scribe point or hole punch
- 4) Small-gauge wire stripper
- 5) Fire-steel scraper (use it with any ferro rod survival fire starter, Swedish firesteel or similar item)
- 6) Flat head screwdriver
- 7) Serrated fire-steel scraper (throws sparks well)
- 8) 3M SOLAS reflective sticker you can attach to the back for emergency signaling, or leave if off for stealth carry
- 9) Friction saw that can cut through zip ties or cordage without cutting you
- 10) Bottle opener

(Picture from https://www.covertproductsgroup.com/products/b-a-t-coin-bring-anywhere-tool )
I look at it as a minimalist, last-ditch or tertiary backup to my regular Every Day Carry (EDC) but because it is both innocuous and concealable, not to mention relatively effective, I am happy to have and carry it.

For something so small, I’d thought maybe they’re reaching a bit, however, upon using it here and there, though it may not be an equivalent to a full-sized tool times ten, it does manage to do each job fairly well, especially in a pinch. I would recommend, as CPG does, to use something like a key ring to give you extra leverage to open bottle caps as the diminutive size of the BAT makes it hard to get enough leverage.
The BAT is made out of stainless steel and has a nice finish to it. It is small, lies flat and is about the size of a Canadian twoonie (The Canadian $2 coin for those of you who don’t know). As it is smaller than any other tool and is not intrinsically disallowed, both CATSA and the TSA allow it with you through security at airports.
I’d recommend the BAT Coin to anyone who would like to have a little something to add to their EDC that will add some functionality without bulk and the added bonus of being as inconspicuous as loose change. I will also keep an eye on CPG for future product developments and releases.
Stay Safe. Stay Crafty.