This is the latest generation of AHK designed to counter the security features found on high security handcuffs (key blocking blade, large keyway pin,
deep set keyhole etc.) The AHK3 has a full depth slit in the key flag to counter the stainless steel security plate on ASP High Security handcuffs.
*NOW WITH R-Clip included!*
The AHK3 also operates handcuffs that have a bent pin in the keyway that would otherwise block a standard handcuff key.
The R Clip assists with turning the key particularly useful when handcuffed to the rear and can be used as an actuator to double-lock handcuffs.
Tip: Very little pressure is required to operate handcuffs with a key – never force a key to turn!
‘Tactical’ handcuff keys are prone to breaking when such excessive stress/torque is applied.
This is a known issue with polymer handcuff keys that can result in a blocked keyway.
If the AHK breaks it has been designed to fragment into small parts that can be shaken free from the working parts,
so it should not block the keyway and therefore allow for a back-up key to be used.
When using the AHK we recommend that you use it to ‘pick and sweep’ the lock, taking care to feel for the
movement of the working parts. Gently rocking and tilting the key works best for some handcuffs and altering the depth
works for others. Attaching anything to the AHK to assist with turning the key can result in excess torque being applied.