I had the privilege of being invited to be a guest on CTV’s The Social on August 16th, 2024 to discuss Personal Security.
You can watch the episode HERE – my segment is second-last HERE.
We discussed a few points with hosts Melissa Grelo and Andrea Bain about keeping safe, including:
Situational Awareness
Safety Tips for when entering a new, unfamiliar space
Personal Security tips
Violence management tips
and more…
Here is the segment, in isolation: https://youtu.be/ocUO7HN44yA
Being safe and being aware is an active process – one of using your senses to collect information about your environment for evaluation and action, not to spin fear. This can be taught, and once practiced, can work in the back of your mind and alert you to when you need to pay specific attention.
***BONUS: When you’re travelling, don’t trust your hotel safe. Hotels generally buy in bulk from the safe supplier and are all coded the same when they arrive at the hotel for installation. As per the manufacturer, the “master administrator code” is the same for all those safes. Rarely, if ever, are all the default and administrator codes changed (as this process involves reprogramming each individual safe manually and therefore is very time-consuming and expensive to accomplish) and therefore a quick google search for the owner’s manual of the specific safe make and model will often yield that user manual with the administrator code. (I learned this trick from our good friends at Covert Instruments & The Lock Picking Lawyer) I do this as a matter of course when I travel just to see. Almost always, it’s still the default code. I just change the code for myself and then return it to the original setting when I check out. Why is this important? Because almost all the staff will know the default code and even more than that, anyone reaching for the manual as I just described can open your safe, even with your own code on it. Use alternate methods to hide your valuables. Stay safe & #staycrafty!***
A really great opportunity to share some knowledge with the energetic live studio audience and hosts.
Thank you to everyone (hosts, and behind-the-scenes crew) who made it possible.
Want to learn more about these topics? Grab yourself copies of my Books (either on our web store or via Amazon, worldwide, in paperback, e-book and audiobook formats) and come attend one of our classes.
Parties mentioned in our segment:
Delta 2 Alpha
Forward Slash Toronto
Special thanks to Ace from @delta2alphadesign, the Renee from @forwardslashtoronto, Karl from @4tac5 and Rob from @covertinstruments